Generations in touch!

The United Generations project aims to open up digitally oriented learning pathways based on intergenerational and lifelong learning opportunities for supporting senior citizens to upgrade their digital and literacy skills, with the involvement of young people thus supporting in a systematic way active aging and social inclusion.

The Project

Bringing generations closer together.

The digital era has revolutionized people’s lives, so we need to adapt to new realities. On the other hand, the EU population is rapidly aging, which poses the challenge of a growing gap between generations. Thus, more cooperation between seniors and younger people is needed.

The UNITED GENERATIONS project aims to improve adults’ digital and communication competencies in order to re-skill seniors and contribute to their social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development.

The project proposes to design and deliver learning opportunities on digital skills and English literacy competencies, together with a dynamic platform designed to create a community of seniors across Europe. It is crucial to provide life-long learning opportunities for seniors with the active support of young people in order to unite generations and overcome the digital divide.

What We Are Aming At

Digital Skills

In a world so influenced by the technology, it is important to include seniors in the digital scene. This will make them feel empowered, more connected with their community and be more creative.

English Literacy

English is the language of international communication, so teaching seniors a second language not only makes them feel more capable, active and engaged with the world.

Connecting Generations

Since young people grew up in the digital era, why not bring different generations closer and bring young people to teach seniors? This way we can build a stronger community and an intergenerational exchange of skills.

Generations In Numbers

During the desk research, we conducted surveys and focus study groups.
Here you can find some of the data we gathered in numbers throughout the consortium’s countries.

Set up and use of digital equipment by eldery (60+ y.o.)
Cyprus 🇨🇾
Germany 🇩🇪
Set up and use of digital equipment by youth (16-27 y.o.)
Cyprus 🇨🇾
Web Designer
Germany 🇩🇪
Web Designer
Use of social media platforms (60+ y.o.)
France 🇫🇷
Hungary 🇭🇺
Use of social media platforms (16-27 y.o.)
France 🇫🇷
Hungary 🇭🇺
Search for relevant information (60+ y.o.)
Croatia 🇭🇷
Latvia 🇱🇻
Search for relevant information (16-27 y.o.)
Croatia 🇭🇷
Latvia 🇱🇻


Find out the latest news about what our members have been up to! 

Joint Staff Mobility of Adult Educators in Nicosia, Cyprus

In June 2023, partner organizations of the United Generations (UG) project collaborated with adult educators to meet in Nicosia, Cyprus. The purpose of this meeting ...
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Third Transnational Partner Meeting in Budapest, Hungary

On the 9th – 10th of February 2023, all the partners of the United Generations project met in Budapest, Hungary. During the meeting, partners discussed ...
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Seniors in Focus – Focus Group Discussion in Erfurt, Germany

On September 22nd, 2022 the team CGE Erfurt e.V. organised a focus group discussion with the target group of the United Generation project. For the ...
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The project is implemented in the partnership of seven organisations based in Germany, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary and France, and is co-funded by the European Union.

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