Project Results

Project Result 1:

United Generations - Mapping Intergenerational Learning and Basic Skills

The first major achievement of the United Generations project has been the comprehensive mapping of intergenerational learning focused on essential skills, particularly for adults over 60, including seniors, grandparents, and refugees. This effort aimed to address the limited opportunities available to this group for acquiring digital and language literacy skills, compared to the younger, digitally native generation.

Through thorough research and collaboration among all partner countries, the project identified the specific needs, challenges, and requirements of both the older and younger generations in terms of digital and language skills, with a focus on English. This mapping exercise provided valuable insights into the current state of adult learning in each partner country, particularly regarding literacy, numeracy, and ICT skills among adults over 60.

Bridging Generations

Intergenerational Learning Maps

The maps are a comprehensive and dynamic resource developed as a key outcome of the PR1. They serve as an evidence-based tool designed to enhance understanding and support the implementation of intergenerational learning initiatives, particularly focused on improving digital and language skills among seniors (60+) with the involvement of younger generations (15-30 years).


The map outlines the availability and accessibility of lifelong learning opportunities in Germany, with a particular focus on ICT and language literacy programs.


The map outlines the availability and accessibility of lifelong learning opportunities in France, with a particular focus on digital and language literacy programs.


The map outlines the availability and accessibility of lifelong learning opportunities in Hungary, with a particular focus on computer and language literacy programs.


The map outlines the availability and accessibility of lifelong learning opportunities in Latvia, with a particular focus on digital and language literacy programs.


The map outlines the availability and accessibility of lifelong learning opportunities in Croatia, with a particular focus on ICT and language literacy programs.


The map outlines the availability and accessibility of lifelong learning opportunities in Cyprus, with a particular focus on media and language literacy programs.

Download Section

Intergenerational Learning Maps Index
Project Result 2:

Connected Backpack for Competence Framework and Validation Tools

The second key achievement of the United Generations project is the development of the tailored Competence Framework and Validation Tools. This innovative resource is designed to equip seniors (60+) with essential digital and language skills, enabling them to navigate and communicate in an increasingly digital world.

Digital and Literacy Competence Framework:

 A comprehensive guide that outlines the key digital and language skills seniors need to engage with technology and communicate effectively. This framework serves as the foundation for all teaching materials and learning modules, ensuring that the content is tailored to the specific needs of older adults.

United Generations Learning Modules

Each partner developed digital and English language learning modules, featuring at least 20 hours of interactive content. These modules cover practical skills like using the internet, social media, and communication platforms (e.g., Skype, WhatsApp), as well as basic English language skills. The modules are designed to be accessible and engaging, with themes that promote intergenerational communication and cultural exchange.

Otvoreni ekosustav bedževa

An innovative tool for recognizing and validating the skills that seniors acquire through the learning modules. This system allows learners to earn digital badges that demonstrate their competencies, which can be shared and displayed as proof of their achievements.

Learning Materials

Explore stand-alone modules and their translations in one place.

Digitalne vještine

Unaprijedite svoje znanje u digitalnom krajoliku koji se stalno razvija uz našu sveobuhvatnu zbirku resursa.

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

Jezične sposobnosti

Istražite alate koji vam omogućuju učinkovitu i pouzdanu komunikaciju na različitim jezicima.

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

English [en]
French [fr]
German [de]
Croatian [hr]
Hungarian [hu]
Greek [el]

Project Result 3:

Interactive Online Learning Platform

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United Generations_C1_Training_2023_Cyprus_photo01


Our E-Learning platform is always accessible and ready to use!


Assess your level and follow your own progression!

Pool of resources

Access a library of content and usefull resources for relevant subjects!

Project Result 4:

Toolkit for digitally oriented learning pathways strategies- upskilling programmes

Dear Adult Educators, Volunteers, and Adult Learners!
We are glad to present the project result from PR4, a comprehensive toolkit to help adult educators and volunteers in senior education.
You will find here information and materials to help and support you in this intergenerational learning journey!

Project Result 5:

Vodič za razvoj i provedbu strategija za dokvalificiranje odraslih

Here you will find a series of information for the implementation of our methods. This is the result of all the previous research and testing we have conducted for the United Generations project.
The guidebook contains advice, instruction and information about the Curriculum of the covered topics, assessment and validation methods, practical arrangements necessary for the implementation of workshops, suggestions on how to handle registration and participation procedures and guidance toward the Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of your own intergenerational learning project. – Get Inspired!

Campaign for the promotion and support of Adult Learning and Digital Active Aging

After the research and trial phase is done, comes the time for follow-up implementation! 
United Generations is not just a research project, it aims to become a campaign that has a lasting impact by allowing more and more learners to connect exchange and devellop new skills that will help them adapt to the modern world! 

You will find here in the campaign guidelines information, tools and methods as well as the aims and goals devised for the campaign. 
